Business Review Packages

Business Owner Review:
This review would look at the business more generally, paying attention to your objectives and your role as the owner.
> Is the business achieving everything you set out to achieve?
> How do you as the business owner spend your time and what could and should you delegate to others so that you can continue to grow the business?
> What opportunities are there for you to take the business forward to the next level?​
Stakeholder Review:
By taking a detailed look at the business through the eyes of the different stakeholders, be that yourself, your staff, customers or suppliers, together we can identify opportunities for improvement or development.
Systems & Processes Review:
This review takes a look at the various processes and tasks that take place in your business in order to see where there is room for improvement in terms of creating greater efficiencies and systemising processes further.
A business that is ‘systemised’, that is, has a particular way for completing tasks to ensure it gets the right results each and every time the system is followed will benefit greatly.
Efficient systems will without doubt add value to your business, whether it’s
> making life easier for the current team or for new staff joining
> keeping costs consistent
> maintaining high standards of customer service
> creating a higher sale price if the business were to be sold.
Sales & Marketing Review:
Do you struggle to increase brand awareness, find it hard to attract new customers or stay ahead of the competition?
Often it's not because of a lack of trying it's just that you need a multiple channel approach and you need to make sure the benefits your product or service offers your customers is clearly spelt out and differentiates yourself from the competition.
By taking a step back and looking at the whole sales and marketing plan you will be able to see what is working and you need to do more of, what isn't working and where there are gaps.
Customer Service Review:
> What do your customers think about the product they are buying or the service they are receiving?
> Are they simply satisfied customers or raving fans?
> Are they loyal to the brand?
A review of your customer service and the customer's experience could provide invaluable information in helping you ensure that the service you provide your customers is the very best it can be and therefore significantly increasing the chances of them not only returning to your business but importantly recommending you to others.​
Social Media Accounts Review:
> Would you like to know how you could get your social media accounts to be even more effective?
> Want to know how you could increase likes, comments, shares and drive engagement further?
A review to examine what’s working, what gaps there are and how your competitors are using social media will enable you to put a plan together to make these accounts more successful for you.
Website Review
With more and more businesses owning a website and this more often than not being the first port of call for prospective or existing customers to find information, it’s essential that your website is current, informative, engaging and error free.
> Does your current site need reviewing to ensure it offers the best customer experience possible?
> Is your site up to-date?
> Is it fresh and inviting?
> Will it be found on the major search engines?
Want to know how I can add value to your business through a review? Check out this case study to see how a review could increase your customer base overnight!
If you would like a fresh, unbiased review of your business or a particular area to identify areas for improvement, opportunities for development and to ensure it’s 'fit' for the future, get in touch today.