We all know how important a health check is to ensure we're keeping fit and healthy and an MOT is to ensure our cars are in good working order, but how often do we check the health of our business to ensure it's 'fit' for the future?​
When did you last take a step back to identify the areas for improvement or opportunities for development that will enable your business to grow?

It’s very easy when you are in charge of a business or organisation to be so pre-occupied with the day to day running of it that you don’t have the time or can’t find ways to make the time to step back and review the business.
Your lack of time could be to do with the business taking off more than you expected, a sudden period of growth or challenging times meaning that you are working twice as hard to make ends meet, either way without taking the time to look at the details you could grow without the right systems and processes to support successful growth or you could find yourself always struggling to get out of those more challenging times.
Whether reviewing the business from your own point of view or more importantly the various stakeholders, be they staff, board members, customers or suppliers it’s only by taking a bird’s eye view that you can see the smaller details that will make a big difference.
A review could be carried out on any number of areas of your business including:
> Business Owner Review
> Stakeholder Review
> Systems & Processes Review
> Sales & Marketing Review
> Customer Service Review
> Social Media Accounts Review
> Website Review
For more detailed information about these reviews, click here.